Raymond in Real EstateRaymond Leung is one of the most successful realtors in the Western Canada and is currently working with RE/MAX, the largest real estate company in North America. He has over 30 years experience in the real estate industry with focus in the commercial field. He has been the winner of numerous awards over his professional years for his prominent achievements. He continuously achieves the following achievements: Personal:
Raymond in LifeRaymond was raised in Hong Kong. He received his education in both Hong Kong and Canada. He loves traveling from place to place to learn about local real estate markets, trying out new foods and golfing. During his residence in Canada since 1980, he has developed strong friendships with all types of business-oriented people, including many developers, entrepreneurs or general investors. His friends are either of local Canadian origins or from Asia Pacific countries. His multicultural background renders him proficient in Cantonese, Shanghai Dialect, Mandarin and English.
Raymond 's personality, passions and profound knowledge of the area has lead to his success as a real estate specialist. He is very interested in learning about economics, architecture and development. Being a realtor is his perfect professional choice. Raymond is a patient, persistent and prudent person who treats his clients business like his own even if he doesn't see the immediate interest of his endeavor. Clients' satisfaction is always his priority. However, being a husband of a wife and a father of 2 children, Raymond always manages to keep the balance between work and family. His family is the motivation for his hard work, while the happiness and the well being of his family make him relieved and free from external stress. For this reason, he is always ready to take on new tasks and professional responsibilities. Raymond on KnowledgeRaymond's past real estate related experiences involved trades in a variety of properties, including land development, retail shopping center buildings, hotels, farm lands as well as vacation cottages in the entire Greater Vancouver. His in-depth knowledge about locations make him a "living map". His prudent personality and professionalism also keep his clients and himself away from legal troubles. He is competent in assisting clients in many different ways, such as looking for lease tenants, buyers, developers, suitable investment properties or properties for their own business. Raymond is much more than a realtor. He has been published in newspapers numerous times on articles regarding the topic of real estate investment. Raymond also works as a professional property evaluator and investment advisor, because he has exceptional skills in assessing the fair market value of Greater Vancouver properties and the profitability any specific realty investment opportunities. Raymond's wide range of good connections and his great reputation that he gains over the years have strengthened his ability in negotiation, and this has made him an excellent promoter and marketer. Raymond is dedicated to his profession and he wishes to continue assisting more clients to search for their perfect match in the real estate market of the Greater Vancouver area! His goal is to bring more investment opportunity to whoever trusts him and gives him a chance. 梁國權的商業地產生涯獲獎無數 績效卓著梁國權是加拿大西岸最成功的房地產顧問之一,現屬於北美房地產顧問公司翹楚Re/Max。 他在地產界有30多年的經驗,尤其著重於商業房地產買賣。 梁國權的職場生涯獲獎無數,成就非凡,包括Platinum Club Awards、100% Club Awards、Lifetime Achievement Award。 2011年, 他在Re/Max 加拿大的所有房地產經紀中名列第五, 在全球Re/Max名列第9;2013年名列第三。在2015年,他在商業房地產的買賣工作上表現出眾而獲得了在加拿大西岸第1名的殊榮。 最近,他更獲得榮譽傳奇大獎2017以讚揚他杰出的成就和對工作的奉献精神。 家庭美滿 顧客至上梁國權在香港長大, 在香港和加拿大接受教育。 他喜歡藉旅行學習和瞭解當地的房地產市場, 嘗試新的事物和打高爾夫球。 自1980年,他與加拿大各行業建立了良好的人脈關係,包括建築商、 企業家及投資者。 他的朋友中有來自加拿大本地的, 也有來自亞太區不同的國家。 他有多元文化背景, 能操流利的英語、普通話、廣東話及上海話。 他對經濟學、建築學和房地產開發建設非常有興趣,顧客的滿意一直都是他的工作首要目標,這些條件造就他成為一位成功 房地產經紀。 作為一位妻子的丈夫還有兩個孩子的父親, 梁國權往往能夠在工作和家庭中找到平衡點。家庭成員的支持是他努力工作的動力, 在無後顧之憂情況下,使他總是能全身全力地投入到工作上。 專業寬廣 經驗豐富梁國權過去的房地產經驗牽涉到各種不同類型物業的買賣, 包括在大溫地區的土地開發、 零售物業、 購物中心大樓、 酒店、農地及度假別墅等。他憑藉專業的經驗及周研的思慮協助顧客使其免於法律的 困擾。他可為顧客提供全方位的服務, 例如尋找買家、租客、發展商、合資、融資、商業商機和合適的物業等。 梁先生不單是一位房地產經紀, 他亦是房地產發展趨勢專家。他能利用可靠的計算方法多次在報紙上刊登關於房地產投資題材的文章,對物業的市場價值和投資項目的利潤潛力作出非常準確的預測。多年來累績的聲譽,使他在為顧客爭取利益時具有極大的影響力。 他的工作目標是去為信任他的人和給他機會的人帶來更多更好的投資機會。