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(Pattullo橋設計Retrieved from:

梁國權先生同時指出,隨著新西敏Pattullo橋的建設,預計Pattullo橋會在今年年底或者明年年初完工。Pattullo橋的建立會將本那比、新西敏與素裡更加緊密連接起來,並將人口帶到素裡Walley區,以及104 Ave到108 Ave範圍段,会高速發展。同時素裡到蘭利新的天車線也在積極進行中,市政府也在大力推動以Fraser Hwy為主線周邊土地發展。人口外移将会是大势所趋。

(素裡到蘭利的天車線計劃 Retrieved from:










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140 St Station rendering

140 St Station Rendering

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140 St Station site plan

140 St Station Site Plan

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152 St Station rendering

152 St Station Rendering

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152 St Station site plan

152 St Station Site Plan

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160 St Station rendering

160 St Station Rendering

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160 St Station site plan

160 St Station Site Plan

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166 St Station rendering

166 St Station Rendering

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166 St Station site plan

166 St Station Site Plan

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Surrey Langley SkyTrain Roll Plot

Surrey Langley SkyTrain Roll Plot

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Surrey Langley SkyTrain route map

Surrey Langley SkyTrain Route Map with Stations

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Proposed guideway placement map

Guideway Placement with Stations

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Typical north running guideway

Typical North Running Guideway

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Typical centre running guideway

Typical Centre Running Guideway

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Typical south running guideway

Typical South Running Guideway

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任職Re/Max擁有超過30年的商業地產投資翹楚梁國權先生針對今、明年的房地產趨勢作了剖析。他認為今年有許多因素影響了市場,例如: 政府的銀行利率政策、加拿大的移民政策、中國的外滙管制、香港政局的動盪、中美貿易戰的持續,再加上這一年來各級政府打房的政策產生了效果,使得市場慢了下來。這些不穩定因素,目前尚未明朗,因此不要對2020的房地產市場作過度樂觀的期望。








A group of Metro Vancouver mayors are calling on the province to get moving on a replacement for the Massey Tunnel.

The project was delayed in December after a B.C government-commissioned review determined more consulting needed to be done on how best to replace the aging and heavily congested tunnel.

In a letter to B.C. Premier John Horgan, the Metro Vancouver mayors and First Nations leaders say they have agreed on a solution that is supported in the region, and want construction completed by 2026 at the latest — four years earlier than the province’s most generous timeline.

READ MORE: Report suggests B.C. government go back to drawing board for Massey Tunnel replacement

“What happened before was a lack of consensus amongst the mayors prior to the last municipal election,” Delta mayor George Harvie said.

“Now, we do have consensus and I think that’s going to ensure that the political push is there from the region to get the province to work with their federal counterparts to come to a solution and start building something.”

That consenus is a list of suggestions agreed upon by the group of mayors and submitted to the province.

WATCH: (Aired Dec. 17, 2018) Political reactions to Massey Tunnel report, new Pattullo Bridge

In addition to Harvie, the letter is signed by Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum, Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie, Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart,  White Rock Mayor Darryl Walker and Chief Wayne Sparrow of the Musqueam Indian Band.

The suggestions include addressing First Nations concerns on any in-river works and fisheries impacts, something that was suggested in the previous review of the project. The group adds in the letter they don’t want that process to be prolonged.

“We have to make sure that whatever solution is made, it’s not going to take a five-to-seven-year environmental assessment,” Harvie said.

READ MORE: Delta mayor closing in on sending letter to Premier John Horgan about future of Massey Tunnel

Regardless, Harvie said that the heavy and unpredictable congestion at the current Massey Tunnel is enough to show that this project needs to be fast-tracked, as it impacts just about everyone from businesses to families.

“Even when you’re coming home from a hard day at work and you’re trying to make your child’s baseball game or soccer game or whatever activity, or you’re trying to pick them up at daycare, it’s a stress to the family not knowing exactly how long it’s going to take through that congestion,” the mayor said.

Harvie said the submitted letter is essentially the last piece of the puzzle, and they are still waiting to hear back from Horgan.

In the meantime, the group of mayors suggest that the province work with TransLink to provide more funding for higher-frequency transit services.

READ MORE: Delay on George Massey Tunnel project directly impacting Richmond businesses

They’re also suggesting a new six-lane tunnel instead of the current four, and that Highway 99 be looked at entirely and evaluated for improvements.

The province’s report last year said a wider tunnel should be considered along with a possible bridge, which would be six to eight lanes instead of the original 10-lane bridge replacement approved by the previous Liberal government.

Horgan said Thursday that his government will look at meeting the mayors’ request for an earlier completion date.

WATCH: (Aired Dec. 19, 2018) London Drugs may move headquarters out of Richmond over Massey Tunnel replacement delay

“We heard today that 2026 was a date that the Mayors’ Council was comfortable with,” he said. “We’re going to work as hard as we can to address the challenges there.”

In a statement, Minister of Transportation Claire Trevena said she was “pleased” the mayors had come together to find a solution.

“While this letter demonstrates the failures of the last government, we’re encouraged to see a consensus emerging in favour of a new tunnel with clear objectives to fix this bottleneck without making drivers pay unfair tolls,” Trevena said.

“We are listening. We will work to get it right. “



An environmental assessment certificate has been granted to BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for the Pattullo Bridge replacement project.


In a release, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy and the BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced today that the $1.377-billion, four-lane suspension bridge construction project — crossing the Fraser River between New Westminster and Surrey — has passed its assessment.

It will be built about 100 metres upstream the existing 1937-built structure, roughly parallel to the aging crossing.

Rendering of Pattullo Bridge replacement (Government of BC)

Improvements will also be made to the road network at the ends of the bridge, however, there will not be a direct connection between the south end of the bridge and Highway 17 (South Fraser Perimeter Road).

The bridge is designed with the capability to be widened to six lanes in the future, but this is partially accomplished by narrowing the width of the original four-lane design.

The provincial government’s environmental assessment certificate comes with 20 legally binding conditions, which have become largely standard for projects of this type and scope. This includes construction and demolition environmental management, fish and fish habitat monitoring and mitigation, fish and wildlife habitat offsetting, cultural and archaeological resources management, and indigenous cultural recognition and monitoring.

“Having considered the Environmental Assessment Office’s Assessment Report and the recommendation of the executive director of the EAO to issue a certificate, the ministers are confident that construction, demolition and operational activities would be conducted in a way that ensures that no significant adverse effects are likely to occur,” reads the release.

The Ministry of Transportation took over jurisdiction of the bridge project from TransLink last year. Plans to fund the new bridge by placing new tolls were cancelled at that time.


A replacement has been deemed of critical importance given that the existing structure has critical structural deficiencies, including severe vulnerabilities from a moderately-powerful earthquake and even a wind storm.

While the project has passed the provincial environmental assessment, it still requires various other federal, provincial, and local government permits and approvals, as well as a project and environmental review permit from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

Artistic rendering of the new Pattullo Bridge’s road network on the New Westminster end. (Government of BC)

Artistic rendering of the new Pattullo Bridge’s road network on the Surrey end. (Government of BC)

A procurement process underway to select the project’s main contractor recently resulted in the shortlisting of three project teams, including Kiewit Canada Development, a joint partnership led by Flatiron, Dragados, Carlos Pattullo JV., and ACS Infrastructure Canada, and another joint partnership led by SNC-Lavalin and Acciona Infrastructure Canada.

Kiewit and Flatiron were the key contractors for the new Port Mann Bridge, Acciona Infrastructure Canada is one of the two main contractors for the Site C hydroelectric dam, and the embattled SNC-Lavalin has been heavily involved with the region’s SkyTrain projects.


The new bridge is scheduled for a completion and opening in 2023. About 68,000 vehicles cross the bridge on a daily basis on average


REPOST - News from Apr 2018

【明報專訊】省新民主黨政府公布上任後首份完整的財政預算案,控制樓市與增加託兒服務成為兩大要點。樓控措施方面,省府宣布今日起把外國買家物業轉讓稅由15%調升至20%,並把300萬元以上房屋的物業轉讓稅升至5%。另外,省府計劃於今個秋季立法引入新的投機稅(speculation tax),目標包括沒有繳交入息稅和把房屋空置的人,今年的稅率將定於0.5%,明年則升至2%。相關新聞刊A2、A6、A9


解決樓價高企問題是今次財政預算案的焦點之一,省財政廳長詹嘉路(Carole James)宣布一系列樓控措施,部分更於今日開始生效。今日起,外國買家物業轉讓稅由15%調升至20%,並把該稅的實施範圍擴大至大溫地區以外的地方,包括菲沙河谷、維多利亞、納奈莫(Nanaimo)和奧肯那根中部區域(Central Okanagan Regional District)。

省府指,15%的稅率未能有效穩定樓市,指外國炒家仍然對本地市場造成壓力,因此有需要進一步調升稅率。另外由今日起,成交價300萬元以上的房屋,買家需要支付5%的物業轉讓稅,較原來的3%增加兩個百分點,300萬元以上房屋的學校稅(school tax)亦會在2019年調升。

另一項大型政策是省府計劃首次引入投機稅,將於今個秋季展開立法工作,今年稅率將定於房屋估價的0.5%,而明年則調升至2%,投機稅的實施地區包括大溫地區、菲沙河谷、維多利亞、納奈莫區域(Nanaimo Regional District)、基隆拿(Kelowna)及西基隆拿。省府指,投機稅目標包括沒有繳交入息稅以及把房屋空置的業主,因此繳稅人可以是本地人或外國人,而「衛星家庭」(satellite families)也會受到影響。另外,省府亦會推出「入息稅抵免額」(income tax credit),可抵銷部分投機稅稅款,因此只有少量收入的業主,也有機會要支付新稅。詹嘉路表示,相信大部分業主都可完全豁免投機稅,強調新稅是懲罰那些存心炒賣導致樓價上漲,並減少租屋供應的人。





Other source:


The groups are Acciona-Ghella Joint Venture, Broadway Connect and West 9th Partners. A proponent will be chosen by mid-2020.

The province has chosen three teams to bid on a chance to design, build and finance the Broadway subway in Vancouver.

A request for qualifications closed on April 17.

The $2.83-billion, 5.7-kilometre extension of the Millennium SkyTrain line will run from VCC-Clark Station to the intersection of Broadway and Arbutus and have six stops. Because the project is using SkyTrain technology, it will be built by the provincial government instead of TransLink.

The three teams are: Acciona-Ghella Joint Venture, Broadway Connect and West 9th Partners. It is expected that the province will select a proponent by mid-2020.

Acciona-Ghella Joint Venture includes Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc., Ghella Canada Inc., IBI Professional Services (Canada) Inc., DIALOG BC Architecture Engineering Interior Design Planning Inc., Mott MacDonald Canada Ltd., Ingenieria Especializada de Obra Civil e Industrial, S.A., Parsons Inc. and Corporacion Acciona Infraestructuras, S.L.

Broadway Connect’s team is made up of Dragados Canada, Inc., Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., ACS Infrastructure Canada, Inc., Aecon Concessions, a division of Aecon Construction Group Inc., Dragados, S.A., Aecon Group Inc., Hatch Ltd., WSP Canada Inc., Dr. G. Sauer & Partners, VIA Architecture, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, a Division of Wood Canada Ltd. and SENER.

West 9th Partners is four divisions of SNC-Lavalin.

The project will be covered by the province’s community benefits agreement, which sets out wages and hiring procedures, requires a percentage of workers to be apprentices, and gives hiring priority to women and Aboriginals.

Early works have already started for the project, including installing new poles and wires to allow for temporary detours for three trolley bus routes during the construction.

Construction is scheduled to start in 2020 and be completed in 2025.



梁國權先生隸屬於北美洲最大的地產公司Re/Max,擁有近30年的商業地產投資經驗,是加拿大西海岸最成功的投資地產及土地開發顧問之一。梁先生可操流利的廣東話、上海話、普通話和英語,並一直致力於為客戶提供盡善盡美的服務。從業多年來獲獎不計其數,更於2015年間榮獲加拿大西海岸商業地產經紀第1名的殊榮。在2017裡,梁先生更進一步獲得了Re/Max 公司頒發的榮譽傳奇大獎以表揚他傑出的成就和貢獻。

本著多年來的經驗和敏銳的洞察力,梁先生可以精確地分析出商業地產的市場走勢和政策改變對地產市場所帶來的影響。梁先生認為,經過了2018年由高峰轉而趨緩的房地產市場,2019年將會是關鍵的一年。 在2018年裡,大溫地區的房產市場主要受到了以下幾個政策變動的嚴重影響,其中包括溫哥華地區須付的空屋稅、海外買家的印花稅、擴大範圍的房屋買賣稅、央行基準利率的上調、銀行的新按揭規定和嚴格的風險評估等。此外,在2018下半年的市選後的新政府(例如: 本拿比市、溫哥華市、素里市等)都不太支持房屋物業發展得太快,導致房屋興建減慢,影響了都市的發展進度。


目前低陸平原各城市都有大型的購物商場重建發展計劃,其規模一個比一個大,例如本拿比市的Metrotown Center,Brentwood Center 和Lougheed Mall、列治文市的Lansdowne Mall 和 Richmond Center、溫哥華市的Oakridge Mall 等, 此外位於菲沙河谷地區的城市如素里、蘭里亦紛紛加入競爭,要想完全消化這些興建計畫至少要用上十年以上或更長的時間,所以大型發展計畫還是主流,投資者可以多留意上述項目。

那麼以目前的狀況來看,該如何在房地產市場上投資呢?  梁先生認為住宅會繼續顯著回落約10-15%,但他表示市場並不用過分憂慮,因為過去兩三年的升幅太過急速,所以稍微的跌幅也在合理範圍之內。另外,投資者可以多關注二手房屋或公寓市場和考慮其他的投資產品如商業地產。在投資一手樓方面,樓價會因為地價和建築成本(包括政府發展收費)上升而不斷往上攀升,樓盤買賣已經不像以前那麼吃香。況且,很多發展商都具有周全的法律保護,投資者在簽訂合約時要仔細閱讀條款是否合理,找個信用良好的大公司及信譽良好、有經驗的經紀人是明智之舉,否則吃虧上當的是自己。







lrt surrey

Surrey’s new $1.65 billion light-rail line will run along the King George Highway corridor in the Newton area. |  Rob Kruyt

Hope for affordable housing along Surrey’s new light-rail transit (LRT) line route has collided with land banking and speculation that have driven residential land prices up 100 per cent in the past two years.

Surrey is often seen as a bastion of affordable Metro Vancouver homes. In August approximately 200 detached houses were listed for sale in Surrey for $1 million or less, for instance, compared with just one in Vancouver. The typical Surrey condo apartment sells for $340,000 compared with $846,100 in Greater Vancouver, according to data from the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board.

Surrey is also the fastest-growing metro centre in B.C., and its young population – 22 per cent of B.C. births are now in Surrey – is gunning to claim the title as the province’s biggest city within a generation.

The population gap between Surrey and Vancouver will be non-existent by 2040, according to a report by Michael Heeney, president and CEO of the Surrey City Development Corp. (SCDC), presented September 13 in an event sponsored by the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia.

“Surrey is the future,” said Surrey developer Charan Sethi, president of Tien Sher, which has built and sold out half a dozen low-rise condominium projects in and around Surrey Centre. Sethi is now pulling together plans and permits for the redevelopment of the former Flamingo hotel site in North Surrey into Tien Sher’s first highrise residential project.

That future, however, hinges in large part on young families being able to find homes they can afford.

This month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Surrey to confirm federal funding for the Surrey-Newton-Guildford light-rail transit project. The $1.65 billion line will run 10.5 kilometres along King George Highway and 104th Street to link Newton with the Surrey Central transit station.

The LRT has created a development buzz in Newton because of the higher-density residential zoning allowed.

Surrey’s Newton Town Centre plan calls for the rezoning of aging commercial strips and housing lots into a 2.5 floor space ratio (FSR) for five-to-six-storey residential buildings and 3.5 FSR for highrise residential towers. (The floor space ratio equates to the amount of square feet of housing that can be built. A 10,000-square-foot lot at a 2.5 FSR, for instance, would relate to a potential 25,000 square feet of sellable space.)

The cost of an acre of residential land in Surrey hit $3.1 million this year, according to Colliers International, up from $2 million in 2016. Along the LRT route, however, prices have soared to $4 million to $5 million per acre, according to Joe Varing, director of sales for the Varing Marketing Group, which specializes in Fraser Valley land deals for residential development.

“Prices are double what they were in 2016,” he said.

Varing noted that Surrey had emphasized affordable housing along the LRT route, but the higher-density zoning makes no accommodation for rental housing.

It is up to developers to decide whether they build rentals or condominiums, he explained. Surrey has a requirement that all new rezonings for residential developments must contribute $1,000 per unit to “support new affordable rental housing,” but details are unclear on where and how the rental housing would be built.

The high LRT route land prices are deterring even condo builders, who say the gravy train has already left the station.

“I plead with everyone, ‘Find me two to five acres in Newton,’” Sethi said, but he  suggested land speculation over the past two years has driven the price too high for most multi-family developers. 


The B.C. government will build a new replacement for the Pattullo Bridge, with construction scheduled to begin in the summer of 2019 and completion slated for 2023.

Premier John Horgan made the announcement this morning on the new $1.3-billion bridge during a press conference at the foot of the Pattullo Bridge.

The bridge, which links Surrey and New Westminster, has been in operation since 1937, and has about 70,000 crossings daily. 

But it is decades past its expected lifespan, no longer meets current wind or seismic load design standards and has only five years until it is no longer usable, according to multiple levels of government. 

"It's long overdue to replace the Pattullo Bridge, so I'm happy to announce today that the province will be taking over the project, ensuring the Mayors' Council can focus on the 10-year plan," said Horgan.

"We've been able to reduce congestion on this bridge but we haven't been able to make it safer, we haven't be able to make it wider … this has to be replaced."

An estimate by TransLink of what a 4-lane bridge, with dedicated room for cyclists and pedestrians on either side, could look like. (TransLink)

4 lanes, funded entirely by the province

The bridge will have four lanes of traffic for vehicles, a median in the middle, and separate dedicated lanes on either side for cyclists and pedestrians, according to the government.

There will be room in the design to expand to six lanes if necessary, but the province doesn't believe that will need to happen.

"We don't believe based on traffic flows today … that it will be required in the long term," said Horgan, referencing the fact that traffic on the bridge has decreased since tolls were eliminated on the nearby Port Mann Bridge.

It will also be funded entirely by the provincial government, from a budgeted $14.6 billion capital infrastructure plan scheduled for the next three years.

Wide shot of entire span of the Pattullo Bridge, which has been in operation since 1937. (CBC)

Transferring ownership

The provincial government will be solely responsible for the design, building and financing of the bridge, and will have to dispose of the existing bridge, said Horgan. 

TransLink, the owner and operator of the current bridge, previously had plans to undertake a replacement project while considering extensions to the Millennium Line and creation of light-rapid transit for Surrey.

After he was elected in December as chair of the Mayors' Council — which oversees TransLink — Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan expressed concern about TransLink pursuing all of the projects equally.

"They're looking at a very ambitious plan. And I think they were trying to proceed very quickly to accomplish everything in the plan. I think there will be a slow down," he said at the time. 

Gordon Price, who was a Vancouver councillor when the Pattullo was transferred to TransLink in 1999, said the change in authority makes sense.

"Basically the region has said they would pay for a new Pattullo Bridge with a toll, but it's pretty clear the NDP isn't going to accept that. So as a consequence, they've created a fiscal hole that they can kind of fill by taking the bridge off TransLink's hands."

Rendering of what a Pattullo Bridge replacement could look like. (TransLink)

What projects come next?

It's unknown when funding will be finalized for the Millennium Line extension and light rapid transit in Surrey, but the Mayors' Council, which oversees TransLink, have said they're optimistic for an agreement in the coming months with  the provincial and federal governments.

B.C. Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson questioned why the provincial government couldn't get federal funding for the Pattullo Bridge replacement as well.

"Normally major infrastructure projects have a large component of federal financing. So we have to be concerned that B.C. rushed into this alone, and missed out on almost a half billion dollars of federal infrastructure funding," he said.

Ian Paton, B.C. Liberal MLA for Delta South, also criticized the government for prioritizing the Pattullo over the Massey Tunnel, which was going to be replaced by a new bridge under the Liberal government, but is now currently under review.

With files from Tanya Fletcher

[2018.02.16] 發表





梁國權先生隸屬於北美洲最大的地產公司Re/Max,擁有近30年的商業地產投資經驗,是加拿大西海岸最成功的投資地產及土地開拓顧問之一。梁先生可以說流利的廣東話、上海話、普通話和英語,並一直致力於為客戶提供盡善盡美的服務。從業多年來,他獲獎無數,更於2015年間榮獲加拿大西海岸商業地產經紀第1名的殊榮。在2017裡,梁先生更進一步獲得了Re/Max 公司頒發的榮譽傳奇大獎以讚揚他傑出的成就和對工作的奉獻精神。








 此外,對於一部份會選擇興建小型公寓以獲取利潤的投資者,要比較注意市場的動向和供求比例。雖然政府為鼓勵市場提供更多的住屋土地而把很多小區的容積率(Floor Space Ratio)提高,這是歷年罕見的。可惜太多的興建申請讓政府部門應付不來, 辦公室內有堆積如山的申請案(包括變更土地用途的申請等)。小型的項目需要經過近2~3年的審批流程,而大型的項目則需要排期5到6年時間。加上前文提及到銀行的政策變更會讓投資者更難獲批貸款。這些不利因素多少會影響小型項目的發展,例如:不能在如期的時間內開工動土。投資者更加需要準備好充分資金並適當瞭解當時的市場變動。




關於置業投資這方面的建議,梁先生指出未來一年是調整期,相信房價會趨向平穩。會出現二手市場堆積著市場,很多業主因政府推出的新社區計劃(Official Community Plan)而選擇以3~5間獨立屋捆綁式銷售或轉賣作為發展用途,而把價格大大的拉高,從而脫離了現實市場,增加了貨源。加上新樓的落成,用家將會有更多的選擇。值得注意的是投資者需要在購買房屋時瞭解自身情況,因銀行的新規定-壓力測試,會讓已購買一戶單位以上的炒賣者更難取得貸款。投資置業者更應該抱審慎態度並好好策劃一下。


住屋是必需品,很多人心目中的生活四要素:衣食住行中,相信以住的重要性占首位。因為房價已經脫離了現實收入和支出的市場,當下的年輕人和打工族需要很高的收入才能置業。此外,有很多的投資者像前文提到過的,進入了商業市場並找到非常優秀的項目。可惜,大多大型項目的發展商都不願意出售手頭上的零售物業例如:商鋪,讓投資者無法容易的在市場上遇到優質的商業投資項目,只能走向公寓作短線炒賣。梁先生多年前已建議投資商業地產者,可轉向溫哥華周邊的衛星城市如Langley, Maple Ridge, Mission, Squamish等。目前,這幾個區域的土地價格相對比較低,但隨著人口的不斷增加,對於住房及商業物業的需求量將會逐步提高,定必帶動這幾個衛星城市的地產投資市場。梁先生在商業投資這方面是專長,多年來找到非常多特殊的項目。他願意幫助有投資願望的人士進行精凖的分析,並分享投資管道。


房地產市場在2018年會走向平穩;獨立屋市場會出現獲利回吐現象,而商業地產跟以往一樣,僧多粥少。大型發展項目如購物中心(Richmond Lansdowne Mall, Metrotown Mall, Oakridge Mall, Guildford Town Center, etc) 會比較受市場歡迎,但小型的發展項目會比較吃力。在未來的兩年, 市場會慢慢從賣方市場變回買方市場。此外,因銀行會進一步的調整利息收緊銀根,市場整體會抱觀望態度。












【明報專訊】溫哥華西區甘比走廊(Cambie Corridor)開發即將邁入第三期,溫市府打算將渥列治區(Oakridge),於未來25年內打造為一個全新的「第二市中心」,不僅沿着主要大街會有多幢高達18層的柏文大樓,內街現時的大批獨立屋大宅也會被剷平,改建為4至6層的低層柏文及城市屋苑。


溫市南溫哥華地區助理規劃總監海德(Susan Haid)昨日表示,市府已將渥列治地區規劃為「渥列治城市中心」(Oakridge Municipal Town Centre),將會打造成一個溫市中心以外的第二市中心。以住宅導向 切分為4區



根據溫市府規劃,「渥列治城市中心」西起柳樹街(Willow St.)、南至西45街、東達阿爾伯達街(Alberta St.)、北迄西37街。「渥列治城市中心」被南北向的甘比街(Cambie St.)及東西向的西41街貫穿切成4區,其中西南方為渥列治商場,另外三區皆會成為中高密度的住宅區。













隨着社區密度大幅增加,該區的交通也將是關注焦點。海德透露「渥列治城市中心」的中心點便是加拿大線捷運(Canada Line)渥列治站,南北向交通主要依靠捷運,東西向則會在西41街增加B-Line 巴士路線。至於是否會拓寬已有道路或是增加新道路方便車輛通行,她則稱需要看開發商的規劃情況。















[2017.07.24] 發表




【明報專訊】地產投資網絡(Real Estate Investment Network)一份最新報告指出,未來十年新西敏房地產市場將會比大溫其他城市有更大增長。


地產投資網絡高級分析員坎貝爾(Don Campbell)表示,大溫地區的樓市繁榮似乎遺忘了新西敏,但現在又重新發現了它。










新西敏市府目前也正考慮、對區內皇家哥倫比亞醫院(Royal Columbian Hospital)、一間中學以及帕吐洛橋(Pattullo Bridge)進行升級改造。





[2017.04.06] 發表
































商業地產商Colliers International昨日在網站開始銷售6.2英畝碼頭發展機會。Colliers資深副總裁萊斯特(Mark Lester)指出,會議中心前的水域的發展權利,目前是由Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre Limited Partnership取得,該公司背後老闆是兩間溫哥華的財團。該水域的發展計劃分成兩部分,一部分已經發展為水上飛機停泊場,另一部分則規劃成碼頭,目前放售的發展機會則是規劃成碼頭的水域,總共有6.2英畝。


他說,買家可以將碼頭規劃成讓豪華遊艇停靠的私人碼頭,或是部分作為私人碼頭,部分作成可讓商業用豪華遊艇停泊,或是賞鯨船停泊的碼頭。他強調,該水域的碼頭可以供最長達到的300呎的船隻停泊。他強調,由於該水域屬於深水停泊處,位置又位於溫市中心鄰近五星級酒店、高豪港區及購物中心,隔鄰就是全加最大水上飛機場,因此特別適合發展成豪華郵艇碼頭,未來更可的吸引世界各地擁有豪華遊艇的旅客來溫旅遊,刺激地方經濟。他舉維多利亞國際碼頭(Vancouver International Marina)為例,指該碼頭每次帶進一部豪華郵艇即可為當地帶來70萬至80萬元的經濟收入。




[2016.11.16] 發表






省財政廳長麥德莊(Mike de Jong)指出,省府蒐集於6月10日至7月14日的統計顯示,外國買家在房地產的投資超過10億元,當中86%集中在低陸平原,雖然外國投資是推動本地樓價上漲的其中一個因素,但在目前樓市新房源不足的情況下,外國買家的需求令樓市目前的供應更難滿足需求。



省長簡蕙芝昨日提出包括外國買家多課徵15%在內等房屋政策的新法案Bill 28。簡蕙芝指出,本省中產家庭應該擁有置業的權利,而且那些需要租房屋的省民也應該找到適合他們居住的單位,而省府宣布新措施即是為了幫助本省省民能夠在本地繼續生活,工作,並且養育他們的下一代。




省府昨日所提的法案,亦針對溫哥華房屋負擔問題提出其他新措施,包括撥款7500萬元設立「住房優先基金」(Housing Priority Initiatives Fund);修改《房地產服務法》(Real Estate Act)結束房地產自我監管的機制;修改《溫哥華憲章》(Vancouver Charter)允許溫市府開徵空屋稅。




In 2014, the Mayors of Metro Vancouver endorsed light rail for South of Fraser because of its:   

  • Transportation benefits
  • Fit with the City’s long term community plans,
  • Relative affordability compared to alternatives.

The Project

Over the next 30 years, Surrey will welcome 300,000 new residents. As the city grows, so do our transportation needs. LRT provides a proven, high-quality, efficient and environmentally friendly means to move people that meets our long term needs.      

Our proposed LRT network spans 27 kms with two lines and approximately 19 stops linking residents with where they need to go. See the map.

- See more at:

Two Lines with Approximately 19 Stops


  • 104 Ave connecting Surrey City Centre and Guildford Town Centre
  • King George Boulevard connecting Surrey City Centre and Newton Town Centre

Surrey-Langley Line

  • Fraser Highway connecting Surrey City Centre, Fleetwood, Clayton, Township of Langley and City of Langley

Download the preliminary station location map.

- See more at:

Public Consultation

The project has been informed by consultation with the public and stakeholders. TransLink led the first two phases of consultation in 2010 and 2011.

  • Phase 1 (March 2010 to October 2010)

TransLink hosted 10 meetings and workshops for stakeholders to provide input on the transit opportunities in Surrey. This information along with a comprehensive technical analysis was gathered and shared with the public for feedback. Read the 2010 consultation summary

  • Phase 2 (May and June 2011)

The study team presented preliminary concepts and an evaluation of 10 design alternatives for input. Based on nearly 400 feedback questionnaires and more than 750 comments from four community workshops, key design concepts were confirmed and refined. Read the 2011 consultation summary.

  • Phase 3 (being developed)

The next phase of public consultation is being developed and will launch once additional technical work is complete. Phase 3 will focus on community integration, which will look at elements like access to stations, roadway changes to accommodate the new lines and components of station design.

More Information

Check out our Project History and Updates page. For more information on the consultation process, visit

- See more at:



  • Congratulations to Raymond Leung.
  • He has been selected to receive the No.1 award at the Re/Max Western Canada Awards Ceremony. 

2015 Production Winners

Top 5 Associates – Commercial

1 – Raymond Leung, RE/MAX Real Estate Services, Vancouver, BC
2 – Pete Vanderham, RE/MAX Medalta Real Estate, Medicine Hat, AB
3 – Peter Hall, RE/MAX Central, Burnaby, BC
4 – Noel Llewellyn, RE/MAX Commercial Advantage, Vancouver, BC
5 – Scott Predenchuk, RE/MAX Crown Real Estate – North, Regina, SK



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RE/MAX was founded in 1973 by Dave and Gail Liniger, with an innovative, entrepreneurial culture affording its agents and franchisees the flexibility to operate their businesses with great independence.

Over 100,000 agents provide RE/MAX a global reach of nearly 100 countries.

RE/MAX, LLC, one of the world’s leading franchisors of real estate brokerage services, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of RMCO, LLC, which is controlled and managed by RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:RMAX).

With a passion for the communities in which its agents live and work, RE/MAX is proud to have raised more than $150 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals® and other charities.




物業轉讓稅新制今生效 75萬元以下新屋免繳 二手樓稅分三級

[2016.02.17] 發表

【明報專訊】省政府昨日公布的2016年財政預算案提出多項新措施,為了解決大溫地區樓市過熱的問題,預算案宣布將物業轉讓稅(property transfer tax,簡稱PTT)制度更改,並於今日起生效。在新制下,購買75萬元以下新樓的合資格人士可獲豁免支付PTT,而200萬元以上的房屋(不論新舊),買家則要額外支付新增的稅階:3%的PTT,買家亦需要表明自己的國籍。有地產經紀指,上述新措施令地產商受惠,有如幫助他們銷售新屋,但對二手樓市場不利另外,備受爭議的醫保計劃(MSP)亦有重大改革,家庭中的未成年子女由明年元旦日開始毋須再支付MSP,而省府亦會調高MSP補助的年收入上限,讓更多人獲享減免。

省財政廳長麥德莊(Mike de Jong)公布連續第四份平衡預算,預測2016至2017年財政年度會有2.64億元盈餘,其後兩年則預計分別有2.87億元和3.73億元盈餘。





省政府指出,已推行多時的首次置業人士豁免PTT計劃(First Time Home Buyers' Program),將會與上述的新措施並行,若新業主同時符合兩個計劃的條件,則可以自選其一。


另外,為了研究海外投資者對本地樓市的影響,省政府稱需要掌握實際情況及數據。省府將修改《物業轉讓稅法》(Property Transfer Tax Act),由今年夏季開始,買家在物業成交後,需要向相關部門申報是否加拿大公民、永久居民或者其他國籍人士。

若物業以公司名義買入,亦要申報公司董事的國籍。當承讓人以被動信託(Bare Trust,又稱無條件信託)註冊並提供信託創立人和受益人的資料時,承讓人亦需披露有否以被動信託人身分持有物業。




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